Stroyproekt participates in the conference “Experience and prospects of new construction materials and technologies in road and bridge building industry of Novosibirsk Region”

Stroyproekt participates in the conference “Experience and prospects of new construction materials and technologies in road and bridge building industry of Novosibirsk Region” 31.03.2014

The conference took place in Novosibirsk congress hotel on 26 March 2014. Among the participants were bridge construction, design and scientific companies, educational institutions, contracting agencies and construction contractors. Mr. Titov, Minister of Transport and Roads of Novosibirsk Region welcomed the participants and spoke about transport development potential of Siberia and, in particular, Novosibirsk Region.

B. Surovtsev, Chief Project Engineer of Stroyproekt, St. Petersburg, presented his report “Design of road bridge decks of combined systems with curvilinear upper chords and flexible suspenders”.

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